Entering germination

Entering Germination is an artistic visual experiment created to represent a feeling I was going through after a difficult experience in my life.

The idea began as I found solace in nature. I became fascinated by the organic shapes around me, such as flowers, trees, and plants. the intricate way these organisms move and grow throughout the world helped me process my own growth. I began to make stencils out of card paper picturing my own interpretations of the nature around me. These shapes became the focal point for this project. I directed multiple visual scenes which represent specific feelings of melancholy and movement into the unknown.

Each scene connects through shape, color, and aesthetic. My original stencils were used throughout each series and aid in helping to tell the story.

My role: Art direction, Illustration, spray painting, lighting and shadow manipulation, photography, graphic design and staging

Special Help from:

Edie Fanning: Art direction, lighting, photography

Miles: Photography


3 months